A review by currant7
The Billionaire's Secret by Ravina Hilliard


Rating: 4.5 stars out of 5
I received a complimentary copy of this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest and voluntary review.
Matias Mäkelä is the owner of a Finnish technology firm, Mäkelä Group, in Helsinki. He is a hard, controlling, egotistical and domineering geek/nerd but goes out-of-control crazy when it comes to Serene.
He is the big brother to two twin sisters, Aina and Ansa who he spoils rotten. He is in the process of launching a new product for home security and is being backed up jointly by Layton Leverage, Serena’s father’s company. He was advised to look inside his company for a possible leak in his new product’s secrets.
I can’t promise that we won’t argue again, sweet Serena. You bring out the worst in me, I suppose. I don’t believe that I’ve ever behaved with anyone like I have with you. I don’t completely understand it, but you’re in my blood now and I can’t seem to get you out. I don’t even want to. I can tell that you feel something for me too, otherwise you wouldn’t react to me the way you have done. Don’t we owe it t ourselves to find out if this is real?
— Matias, The Billionaire’s Secret

Serena Aisling is a strong, independent, and career-driven woman. She has a black belt in aikido and is experienced enough to be teaches classes. She is married to her job and excels in it.
She works in the R&D department of a London based technology firm. Her boss, Richard Hope, brokered a deal with Matias’ tech firm to design a production process for his products. She was raised by her Italian mother, which she takes on her mother’s last name. She is estranged with her father, Byron Layton, till more recently when her mother passed away.

Unknowing to Serena, the tech firm that she will be working on is also what her father, Byron Layton, wants her to find out the ‘thief‘ stealing corporate secrets within the company. At first, upon the proposal of her father of the task with a CEO position as a reward, she immediately turned the offer down. She stated that she is happy where she is working but you can see her interest in trying to solve the case in her mind. Coincidentally, readers get to see her father’s endeavor on how he played ‘matchmaker’ between Matias and Serene.

Meeting each other for the first time at Matias’ office, both main characters, Serena and Matias, felt a “pull” – insta-love/lust/infatuation but both had walls to avoid anything that would result to “having feelings”. Both characters are serious about their work and do not do commitments. With Serena’s determination to have “emotions” clouding her to feel anything for Matias, she goes into a defensive mode in the form of arguing with him or taking what Matias’ words into another context. For Matias, it is the overwhelming feeling that he was experiencing the first time that makes him go into an emotional turmoil inside himself then turns outwardly cold, snappy towards Serena. It’s with these moments of frictions that you see their passion (love-hate) – one moment, they are cold, threatening then later, after cooling down, apologize or re-clarify what they mean.
Though Matias was not like her father. He wasn’t manipulative. He has been honest with her right from the beginning, ready to tell her exactly what he was thinking, even if it meant angering or hurting her. She didn’t feel any anger or pain, just a longing for the man sitting next to her…She knew in that moment that she loved him and panicked, worried that he might see through her, closing her eyes to hid the truth that was burning to be let out. He must never know!
— Serena, The Billionaire’s Secret

Solving the mystery took a little time as the relationship of Matias and Serena had to happen. There had to be a few details that needed to be ironed out for an ending to happen. Readers had to see how things had to be laid out in Serena’s mind and slowly she had to learn about the product – from the marketing side, technical side, security side, etc. She was the best candidate for the job especially since she’s a technologist expert. She was able to understand things quickly while helping Matias on some possible security issues. All this build-up to how the ending happened and I like how Serene had a lot of foresight on a lot of details to help Lt. Nico’s operation. How they caught the ‘mole‘ at the end was really good since all the possible outcomes were considered and ‘rehearsed‘ so it all works so smoothly, even if I was as lost on why they did that, etc. I appreciate the reasoning during the recap by Serene.

I like how the author stayed true to each of the character’s unique backgrounds – British/Italian heritage for Serena and Finish/Italian/Spanish/German/French experiences for Matias. Their personalities showed through to help protect the other. Serena’s self-sacrifices and integrity were quite admirable. She was pushed into finding out what is going in Matias’ company and wasn’t going to do anything till she started to get deeper into his company’s dealings and connections. She was able to focus on protecting Matias many times in the book, even when Matias accused her of taking advantage of his heart. She even saved his life to ensure that the sting operation that she stumbled into would be a success.

I enjoyed the supportive individuals around the heroes – Reeta, Lt. Nico, Aina and Asna, Byron and Matias’ parents, Henri, and Jemima.
Matias’ family members were hilarious and very sly in getting to know Serena. Although I had concerns of them knowing how serious Matias is with Serene with inviting her to the family home just a day or two after knowing her, I did appreciate that he was open to his family members about his feelings and how serious he wants to try to start something with Serena.
Reeta was a welcome reprieved of past assistants who protect and be hostile to women who they work with and might grow ‘feelings’ with their bosses. She was kind, witty, and a good friend to Serena. She can really see through people and warned Serena of Matias’ talk with her on inter-office relationships. I believe Reeta saw the look between Matias and Serena when she brought Serena into his office. It was pretty funny as I remember reading through that section thinking how Reeta was just standing there as Matias’ demeanor changed from his usual self, proven also with his brain instructing him how to act at that moment.
The whole Mäkelä clan – Henri, Jemima, Aina, and Asna were wonderful supporting characters who were excited to meet Serena, especially the twins. They were mischievous and at the same time, endearing as they to stand up for Serena from Matias.
Lt. Nico was memorable for me since he acted like a father to Serena in listening patiently to her statement, gave her advice, and even set-up Matias and Serena at the end to help them sort out their relationship. It was really cute and I can still remember it fondly.
They were important in ‘pushing’ and rooting for Matias and Serena together even when things between them seem bleak especially Lt. Nico. They also play their part in helping apprehend the culprit involved in the mystery.

I recently discovered my pleasure in reading suspense, mystery with steamy romance stories woven into it. This book has all that plus steamy scenes. There is a lot of corporate secrets, covert operations, and back-door dealings combined with steamy love-hate passionate arguments between the two heroes. Both character’s actions were in pursuit of the other’s ultimate benefit – Serena’s self-sacrifices to find the culprit and Matias’ honesty to Serena that makes this book a success. The supporting characters were spot-on how stories should be – complex but not overwhelming. I liked the fact that the author thought of answering my burning question in my head in one of the shower scenes that thankfully was answered in the epilogue section. Perfectly done, if you ask me.
*Please note that the book has quite a few British/European words that may stump and slow-down some readers but it was well-written that will surely grab you to read on further. I encourage you to give this book a try!