A review by teresab78
Never a Road Without a Turning by Rowan McAllister


****Reviewed for Prism Book Alliance****

4.25 Stars Never a Road Without a Turning was a sweet story about finding your future and accepting your lot in life. These seem like different concepts – either you accept who and what you are and deal with it, or you make your future what you want, but sometimes you need to first do one before you can do the other.

Pip came from nothing and although has the means to better his life, doesn’t really feel he should go above his station and is more comfortable as a farm hand than a bookkeeper or secretary. Major McNalty is back from the war injured and although he has means, does not use his station to gain anything. He seems to want a quiet life.

Though very different, these two men find common ground and forge a connection in an era where their kind are not well looked upon.

I liked Pip and his carefree attitude and I also liked that Ash looked beyond Pip’s surface to his heart. The story was well told and I found the characters multidimensional and interesting. The time period is well represented and the issue of male romance was handled well, in my opinion.

I haven’t read Devil’s Own Luck, the story from which this is a spin off, but I am intrigued by Mr Carey & Mr Carruther’s characters and will look in to that book as well.

Prism Book Alliance