A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
The Witches of Moonshyne Manor by Bianca Marais


The Witches of Moonshyne Manor by Bianca Marais is an odd witchy tale. There are witches, a crow, a ghost, and a lively teenager. The story has a unique beginning (nudity and intimate relations) as we get to meet each witch. The point-of-view switches between the sisters and Persephone. The author created some unique characters including a transgender woman. The witches are in their 80s with all the aches and pains that comes with that age. We learn about each sister which includes the secrets they are keeping. I loved Persephone. She is a precocious teenager who wishes to help the octogenarian witches. Persephone provides levity and charm. The pacing picks up in the last quarter of the book as the action and suspense ramp up. There are sisterly squabbles, the reading of tea leaves, a fiery game, a frantic search, reuniting with Ruby, and magic spells. The resolution was a little too neat and easily accomplished, but there was an unusual component. There is a part that is clever, and I like the revelation near the end (I cannot say more because it is a spoiler). The Witches of Moonshyne Manor is a book that I would never have chosen to read if I could have read a sample first. I found the first chapter to be a turnoff. I struggled to get through the book (skimming was involved). I am not a fan of reading about eighty-year-old having intimate relations or satisfying themself. I do want to let you know that the story does contain an excessive amount of foul language, intimate situations, nudity, and self-love. The Witches of Moonshyne Manor is a peculiar tale with a clever crow, a talented teenager, sister witches, mad men, a self-righteous relative, a sizzling sport, a ticking clock, and a panicky pursuit.