A review by scubacat
Lover Unveiled by J.R. Ward


This wasn't a great book. There were things I liked, but a lot more things I didn't.

First, the good.
I enjoyed Mae and Sahvage's storyline. I actually liked them together. It wasn't this fairy tale, insta-love story. They irritated each other, were at odds in their goals, and seemed to always be on the verge of parting ways. I appreciated the slow build up of their relationship.

Ummm... that's it for the good. Now, the bad.
There were too many story lines going on at the same time. The POV flipped so often, I kept getting pulled out of each story. Some characters literally only appeared in a couple of pages, and really could have been cut completely (or at least not given their on POV chapters.)

Ward had this annoying habit of starting new chapters with brand new characters, even three quarters of the way through the book. We would get first and last names of people that were irrelevant, and have to spend time trying to figure out who they were in the story context, instead if starting with the main characters. This was yet another way I dropped out of the flow of the story.

There seems to be a drastic shift in the BDB world and the rules it lives by. This has been happening for a while, with the introduction of Lassiter (where does an Angel of God fall into a world that only has the Scribe Virgin and the Omega?) but it really ramps up in this installment. We merge Davina from the Fallen Angels series into this one now that we need a new big bad evil to fight, and now we have warlocks and magic. Is there still a Fade? How does that relate to Heaven? Lassiter is an angel, but seems to not having anything to do with God. What about the demon? Is there a hell now? It honestly doesn't make sense with the world we've read about for 18 years.

I've heard complaints that Ward doesn't actually write these herself anymore, or that they are just cash grabs by keeping the series going long past it's natural end. That seemed to be true for this volume. Since Lover Arisen is already out, I'm going to give it a shot, but that might be my last.