A review by gerireads
Troublemaker by Linda Howard


Welp! This was disappointing.

It had good bones, story-wise. Morgan is an elite paramilitary personnel who got ambushed and almost got killed. To lure out the people who put a hit on him, his supervisor sent him to his stepsister, Isabeau "Bo" Maran to recover, essentially setting himself up as bait.

I was into this. It sounded like the Linda Howard of old. Unfortunately, things never really got off the ground. The book didn't quite know what it was supposed to be. Is it supposed to be romantic suspense? Small town romance? Everything just sort of moved along without really delving deep into what is even happening and why should I even care about these characters.

I suppose I like the idea of Morgan and Bo building intimacy despite the fact that they're virtually strangers to each other. But Linda Howard was unable to convince me that these two are worth my time. I usually love Linda's brusque heroes who say they don't do "romance" but are loyal and loving and made me swoon anyway. Morgan is nothing like that. And Bo was just...ugh. I can't. I don't even want to finish my review now because I'm so disappointed.

ARC provided by the publisher