A review by shiradest
Freedom from Fear by Aung San Suu Kyi


p. 178 from her essay "In Quest of Democracy" she says

"In a revolutionary movement there is always the danger that political exigencies might obscure, or even nullify, essential spiritual aims. A firm insistence on the inviolability and primacy of such aims is not mere idealism but a necessary safeguard against an Animal Farm syndrome where the new order ... takes on the murky colours of the very system is has replaced."

interesting juxtaposition to Nelson Mandella's reasoning that non-violence was not to be the absolute from a tactical perspective, in his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom. I'm glad to see that Gandhi (and of course Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.)was not the only person to understand the vital importance of non-violence in bringing about change.

This also shows the fundamental importance of non-violent ideology, across Buddhism, Christianity and Hinduism .

Read, Write, Dream, Teach !

19 February, 12016 HE