A review by cherrysoda9_9
Haunting Paris by Mamta Chaudhry



I really wanted to like this book. Like, I realllly wanted to like it. I got through almost half before I gave up.

The premise of this sounds super intriguing but, unfortunately, basically nothing happens in the first half of the book that connects to the blurb.

The writing style is beautiful; I have absolutely no issues with how the author uses language. But the constant bouncing around from person to person and time to time every couple of pages was hard to follow. Maybe if each chapter had started with a timestamp - or at least a year - it would have been better. But I just found it hard to get into and the plot didn't seem to advance. Maybe the second half is amazing, but I shouldn't have to weed through 100+ pages of nothing in order to get there.

Beautiful cover. Gorgeous writing. Interesting premise. Lackluster execution.

My 5th DNF of the year...whoops.