A review by a_reader_obsessed
Wolf and the Holly by Sam Burns


3.5 Stars

This continues to be quite the intriguing story as it expands on the background of Rowan Harbor, an enigmatic town that literally seems to harbor all sorts of paranormal fantasy creatures and their secrets.

Quickly starting where [b:Blackbird in the Reeds|37777178|Blackbird in the Reeds (The Rowan Harbor Cycle, #1)|Sam Burns|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1514670678s/37777178.jpg|59421372] left off, this centers on Devon’s bff Jesse, a wolf who’s bound and determined to ignore his instincts and responsibilities. He’s been through a trauma that makes him eschew what comes naturally, but that excuse will only stick for so long.

When Jesse finds his long gone friend Isla hurt, unconscious, and left for dead in an alley, it sets off a series of events as Jesse and company try to figure out who and what hurt Isla. Slowly, Jesse comes into his own and finally embraces his wolf, a thing he should’ve done years ago.

So yes, there's a common theme running through this series so far. Fate, destiny, a continuation of setting things up for something big and most likely, something equally bad.

Not much is revealed, the romantic progression is barely a blip but this is supposed to be a trilogy of trilogies focusing on three main couples each with 3 planned stories all tied together as they become the new leaders of Rowan Harbor. I’m definitely intrigued and caught and look forward to more!!