A review by rochelleweinstein
Daughters of Nantucket by Julie Gerstenblatt


The days leading up to the Great Fire of 1846 find three extraordinary women fighting individual battles. Meg, Eliza, and Maria struggle with identity, equality, and forbidden love, and when the fire descends upon their beloved island, they are thrown together, left with hard-hitting decisions: what to save and what to let go. Tragedy can change the course of anyone's life. It can also teach one to prioritize. As this trio withstands the flames, they uncover truths about each other, and themselves, valuable lessons extending way beyond the material. Gerstenblatt writes a gorgeous novel rich with history and memorable characters, and while this tiny nugget of history spans over the course of a few days, the story packs a powerful punch. Loved! TY to Get Red PR for sharing an advance copy.