A review by ckausch
The Secret of the Mansion by Julie Campbell


The Trixie Belden books were much beloved by me in my childhood, and to this day I collect the different covers - hard and paperback - that I can get my hands on. I decided to re-read a couple since it's been a few decades, and they still hold up. I never could undertsnd the popularity of Nancy Dew, she was too perfect. But I could relate to Trixie - she wasn't perfect. Her parents would ground her, she had an annoying brother, she hated math, her feelings about other people and relationships would sometimes confuse her, and she made mistakes. Sometimes those mistakes would get her and her friends in trouble, and sometimes they helped solve a mystery. Either way, you always knew you were in for fun and adventure with the Bob Whites along.

They were re-releasing these for a while, but they stopped at #15. I wish they hadn't.