A review by thisisjusttheprologue_
The Existence Of Amy by Lana Grace Riva


This book was well written and I enjoyed how at times, it felt like stream of consciousness- because that’s how the mind works sometimes. Amy was a very likable character and I would love to give her a hug (although she would never let me) and let her know that she’s not alone. Amy’s experiences are accurate and well-explained, though painful at times to read. It’s difficult to imagine those thoughts and feelings without having experienced them yourself, but I could relate and commiserate with Amy through so much in this book. Daily activities are so much more difficult for Amy- and those of us living with OCD. An average commute to work on public transportation that some may look at as a daily inconvenience can be excruciatingly anxiety provoking for others.

I enjoyed the characters in this story, and I’m so thankful to many of them for providing Amy with the support system she desperately needs. A reminder to all to check in on your loved ones, you never know what others are going through and what battles they are flighting. This book points out the fact that none of us can successfully fight our demons alone.

“It's as though I'm looking out at a life that exists, but I'm not allowed to participate in it. The life I'm looking at appears to be fun, yet my brain is telling me there is all this invisible danger. So, every day I feel scared. Every day I feel exhausted.”

I encourage others to read this book in an effort to attempt to understand how those struggling with OCD live. Furthermore, I hope that everyone will please think twice before using flippant phrases about “being so OCD” because they like their house to be clean, etc. There is a huge difference between being a “clean freak” and having OCD that forces you to engage in repetitive and exhausting behaviors in an attempt to alleviate your anxiety.