A review by libbysbookshelf
Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender


I’ve read a lot of LGBTQIA+ literature over my years as a Bookstagrammer. In fact, I’ve just realised that today might be my two year bookstaversary! But this book might just be one of the most important books I’ve ever read. I think it feels so important because it’s written for young adults and it includes so many themes around gender and sexuality and self-acceptance. CALLENDER is clearly writing from experience with this novel and I think that’s why it feels so emotive and so real. 

The plot: Felix is a young trans boy and an artist. The novel is set during a summer art programme that Felix attends with his best friend Ezra (whatta great character!) and other young artists. Early on in the novel, Felix starts receiving anti trans messages on Instagram and the hatred and desire for revenge almost consume him. Luckily, Felix is surrounded by a lot of love… 

It makes me so happy that I can give this book to any future students of mine who struggle with gender identity because I’m sure it will change their lives. 

I’m on such a high after reading this. 

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