A review by bi_bibliophile
Drachenfels by Kim Newman, Jack Yeovil


I'll start off by saying that I know nothing about Warhammer so I am probably not the target demographic for this book, however it does have a lot of fantasy elements so it seemed like a book I could still enjoy. Sadly this book just didn't seem to deliver. It follows a Prince who wants to create a play based on the story of how he and his friends defeated a dark wizard called Drachenfels. He brings his friends together to help create the play properly only things start to go wrong the closer they get to bringing the Prince's vision to life.

Genevieve, a vampire who was part of the band of heroes who took on Drachenfels, is barely actually in the book and when she is she does very little which is a shame given this is supposedly the "Vampire Genevieve" series. I get that their were quite a few characters that needed their time in the spot light too but they did were quite forgettable themselves and did little to drive the plot forward. The character that showed up most was probably Detlef Sierck the playwright but he seemed quite dull too.

In all honesty I found most of the characters and plot lacklustre and the big plot twist at the end was fairly predictable. Thinking back I can't really remember much I actually liked about this book except that it made me laugh occasionally and the locations were quite interesting. Sadly I was let down by the characters and plot, no manner of demons, creatures or strange happenings could bring this book to life for me.

Just like the vampire I expected more from, this book seems to lack a pulse.

Rated: 2.5/5 Stars (rounded up to 3)