A review by 19paws
Confessions of a Pagan Nun by Kate Horsley


I enjoyed some parts of this, but it averaged out at about 2 1/2 stars for me.

The author uses her heroine—a semi-converted sixth century nun—to kind of hit the reader over the head with her own 21st century feminist and neo-pagan philosophy. The writing is often lyrical and enjoyable, but subtlety is definitely not Kate Horsley's strong point. In case you don’t get why pagans are good and Christians are bad, she sums it all up at the end with sixth century bullet points.

Still, there was much to like about this book and I’m glad I read it. It’s a pretty fascinating look at one person’s idea of what 6th century Irish life might have been like and also an interesting perspective on the overlap of Druid and Christian beliefs among new converts. Lots of quotable insights, too.