A review by danny_j
The Summer I Fell by Sonya Loveday


I want to absolutely love The Summer I Fell, but I am not sure how definite I feel about it. I loved the story line and plot, but there were some major gaps and everything happened really fast.

One of the biggest issue with The Summer I Fell was the gaps in the story line and the lack of a back ground information on 'The Six. The story begins right after the graduation ceremony, 'The Six' and Riley are at some big back woods bonfire partying it up with other high school graduates. There are no real introductions when it comes to all the characters. You are just told they are boys and have been friends sense forever. I have no idea how Riley was able to join their boy group, unless I somehow missed that portion of the story, I didn't read where that was explained.

It seemed like the author had a hard time juggling all the characters and their stories. This created a lot of gaps in the story that you just had to guess about what had happened. The biggest being what happened to the boys after they left their small town of, I believe Opp (?? I think I read that it was Opp, but it was only mentioned once in the beginning so I have no idea). We know two go to college, two join the military, one goes on a volunteer trip to Haiti, and one is suddenly a rock god. Some characters we hear about others just seem to fall off the face of the earth.

I should give The Summer I Fell two stars, but I was feeling kind this afternoon so I gave it three. I am anxious for book number two sense this one ended with a cliffhanger. I have a feeling we'll be seeing a new side of Jared and Riley's relationship now that Ace is gone away in the military. It's a love it or hate it kinda book. I am choosing to love it because I like the story line.