A review by melbsreads
Death Most Definite by Trent Jamieson


Well. Death really IS most definite in this book. I thoroughly enjoyed it though. The action starts from the first page, and by the end, I pretty much just wanted to give Steve a cup of warm Milo and tell him that he deserves a good lie down.

Steve is in the family business - pomping the dead. Basically, he's a reaper, transporting the souls of the dead from this dimension to the next. When other Pomps (including basically everyone he knows) start turning up dead, he's left running for his life.

Steve is the slacker of the business - he does what he has to do to get his pay cheque, but he doesn't really have any aspirations. Despite that, he's a likeable character. There's a LOT of violence - dead bodies can be reanimated by evil beasties called Stirrers, so Steve's basically fighting off dead family members. A blood sacrifice is required to banish them, so the poor guy is wandering around with a craft knife and slicing his palm open at regular intervals. He's helped throughout by the spirit of a dead Pomp from the Melbourne office (it's set in Brisbane) called Lissa, who he promptly falls for, despite the fact that she's dead.

Despite the occasional moment of "Ew, please stop talking about opening a vein", I really liked it and I'll definitely be trying to track down the two sequels.