A review by mandymarie1017
The Christmas Contract by Evie Mitchell


Meet-cute and pie!

Evie Mitchell’s writing makes you feel like the characters are your friend and talking to you, sharing intimate details about their moment-to-moment thoughts.
With every book in Thor’s Shipbuilding series, you don’t want it to end. After I read the first word, I was immediately sad knowing that the last word was already written too.
Astrid and Robbie had a great meet-cute that developed quickly into a friendship and love. The Christmas Contract is sadly the last book (for now?) in the Thor Shipbuilding series. I hope Evie Mitchell finds it in her heart to take pity on us and possibly write a holiday special (those Larsson women do love a good excuse for pie) or maybe a follow-up story that stars the large and hunky Matt?
The books are written as standalone but read the whole series. Your heart will be warmed by the amazing characters and even better writing!