A review by migimon2002
Irma Voth by Miriam Toews


This was a quick read. Although the distinct narrative voice of the main character - Irma - took some getting used to, I soon settled into the style. I found many elements of the story relatable, as the Mexican Mennonite culture is prevalent in the area of Canada I live. I even know of families that continue to travel yearly to visit relatives in areas such as Chihuahua, Mexico (a location discussed by Irma in the story). In some respects I found this novel a little bit disjointed. The first half about the filmmaking, and the second half in Mexico City, kind of felt like two different tales. Although they did connect somewhat at the end, I felt I was left wanting more story (especially about characters from the first half of the book). Overall, I'm happy to have read Irma Voth. I would likely recommend this novel to others, especially if they have some knowledge of the Mexican Mennonite culture, as I think they'd find it to be an interesting read.