A review by kellsway
Legend by Marie Lu


I have nothing to lose and she has nothing to gain. I wait for the realization to sink in. A Republic Agent is going to help me escape. She'll help me save my brothers

I had high expectations going into this read and I wasn't disappointed at all. Then again in all fairness Marie Lu can do no wrong in my book. I love her writing style and I'm totally invested into this trilogy. If I had to make one complaint, it would be Day and June relationship. I've not "Fallen" for their "Love" as yet. Maybe in book two it'll happen for me ( as for now it hasn't happen as yet ). I'm still 100% invested because the storyline is solid and I really do like the various characters thus far.

My heart is still in pieces...Oh John
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The love between the two brothers John and Day was heart breaking...I couldn't get enough of them
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When I think about Thomas this is the total sum of my feelings towards him
I found him to be creepy from the start and my intuition wasn't wrong
Hulk Smash...Smash Smash Smash Him to Bits
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