A review by gamz
Beyond Compare by Penny Jordan


One of the sweetest books I've read in a while.
Holly is devastated because Howard, the guy she was loved and has been dating for 4 years invited her to his engagement party to Rosamund, the pretty, rich girl from their hometown.

When she reached her hometown she has car trouble and is saved by Drew, the guy Rosamund dumped when she got engaged. Holly decided that she and Drew should pretend to be a couple to prove that they were over their exes.
Through most of the book Holly spent a lot of time trying to convince herself that she loved Howard and Drew loved Rossmund to avoid the truth that she and Drew shared something special.

Holly's innocence, naïveté and good heart made her likable. It was obvious from the start that Drew was in love with her but it took her a while to see the truth. This was an easy, enjoyable read. It was uncomplicated and fun and I enjoyed it. A wonderful vintage Penny Jordan.