A review by avocadomilquetoast
The Rescuers by Margery Sharp


Whenever someone boils down their opinion of a book/movie/show whatever to simply saying "it was cute," I take that to mean that it wasn't terrible but wasn't substantial or didn't leave enough of an impression to really recommend it to me.
"The Rescuers" is cute.
It's as if Margery Sharp had a great idea for an exciting rescue tale and an insightful look on country mouse/city mouse-style class differences, but she didn't completely follow through on either of those themes. We spend too much time too much time waiting around for the big rescue (I hope it's not a huge spoiler that this book involves rescuing) but too little time with the rescue itself - which you would expect to be more interesting, right?
But it's not so badly done as to warrant one star, and the characters are likeable enough. For the unavoidable Disney movie comparison, I thought Mamelouk the cat was a more interesting villain than either Madame Medusa or, um, what's-his-name, the George C. Scott character.
I've gotta mention the work of illustrator Garth Williams, who has a great knack for making mice look adorable and humans look repulsive.
But if you're looking for something for a kid to read, or for something to read to a kid, don't let my two-stars put you off. It's cute in a good way, too.