A review by sharron_joy_reads
The Merry Dredgers by Jeremy C. Shipp


Following an accident Eff is in a coma, her sister Seraphina, suspicious of the circumstances joins the cult she was part of to find out what happened. The community lives in an abandoned theme park that holds a dark secret.

The imagery in the theme park is all creepy goblins, distorted mirrors, twisted attractions, gruesome animatronics, it is both strangely magical and macabre. I found Eff annoying and selfish but she is determined to find the truth of what happened to her sister. The cult members are all interesting characters and the dialogue is bizarre, there is a striking hallucinatory quality to the way they think, Eff included, like their minds live outside reality, it’s an interesting subtext. Dreams seeping into the real world, the real world dreamlike.

This is a psychological horror but also veers into cosmic and fantasy territory. The writing is surreal and weird, it squirms like a worm in your brain forcing you towards the twisted ending and leaving you wondering what you just read.

Jeremy is an audacious original voice in horror, this is a great story.

The Merry Dredgers is published on 25th April 2023 by Meerkat Press, thank you to Jeremy for the e-arc for my honest review.