A review by aliasaurora
Captive of Wolves by Eva Chase


This book surprised me in so many ways.

I came in with certain expectations of growling, alpha wolf shifter fae--and there is a teensy bit of that--and my experience with other why-choose romances left me with a certain understanding of "the way things are done", for example, that the MMCs are generally on the same page about the nature of the relationship from the outset. Not true here, and it takes some negotiation and FMC laying down the law with a "no one is claiming me, and I haven't chosen anyone, so CHILL" speech.

In other books there also seems to be a focus on fairness and FMC having an equal relationship with each of the MMCs, although oftentimes her "first" experience is with the leader if there is one. Not true here in either case. I'm really glad for that break from tradition; it really weighs down the story when you feel like you know exactly what's coming and with whom. I like a book to surprise me!

I've often noticed that why-choose seems to be heavily weighted in favor of getting to know the MMCs and their personalities, with the FMC being more of a self-insert type character, but in this book, I really felt like more care was taken to show us why the MMCs would be interested in her as a person.

All of these differences, I think, can probably be chalked up to the fact that this is the entry point for a longer series, so there isn't so much rush to get to the spicy bits, but suffice it to say that I did not mind it one bit.

About this book in particular, the dialogue and prose was masterful in the same way that a great craftsman makes his/her craft look effortless. I never thought about it while I was reading, but when I was finished, I realized how engaged I was with the book, and how fluently it all came together. I can't wait to read the next one in the series.