A review by hlizmarie
Hexed by Allyson James, Ilona Andrews, Yasmine Galenorn


I actually only read the Ilona Andrews story about Dali since I don't follow the other series in this anthology. I loved reading from Dali's perspective! She's a very unique character in the Kate Daniels world since she's more brain than brawn. Not to say that everyone else in this series is all muscle since that's not the case in the least but their battles often rely on their physical capabilities as much as their head. Dali has a lot of insecurities as well which we get a clear picture of throughout the novella. She's struggled with who she is and how she fits in with other shape shifters since she's not physically strong, gets disoriented during shifting and is blind as a bat. Of course she's secretly in love with Jim, security head for the pack, who she feels she has no chance with. I adored the interactions between Jim and Dali. They made me laugh more than once and I was thrilled at the end when Jim visits her at home and explains where he's coming from. It was wonderful! I'd love an opportunity to read more about Dali and her unique type of magic. The authors have mentioned they may be doing a spinoff series with her in the lead and I'd definitely pick that up!