A review by geo_ix
Find Me by Romily Bernard


I swear, I know the year is young and whatever, but fuck, this is probably going to be my favourite book of the year. I don’t even read Thrillers or Mysteries! I read this because the cover was cool! And the inside was just as good!

Basically, this girl is taken advantage of by a man in her life, she writes about it in her diary, and never mentions his name. I think the only description was that her mother liked him, his had blue eyes like the sky, and that he was tall. Anyway, she falls in love with him, has sex with him, and he becomes cold and distant, and then he decides he wants to go after another girl, a girl she knows, and tells her she’s going to help make it happen. So what does she do? She jumps off a building and kills herself.

My favourite part was the little diary excerpts at the start of each chapter, that remind me of when I watched Gone Girl and she reads parts of her diary, my favourite being: “I hated that heroine. You know, the girl from Twilight. She just . . . got consumed by Edward. She didn’t just fade into him. He devoured her. I said I’d never be like that, and yet . . . here I am. I feel like he’s eaten away every part of me.” Something about it just feels, right. So many people complain about Twilight, in terms of the character rolling over and dying basically. But I feel like this explains it completely, some people don’t just ease into things, they get completely consumed by them, and too many times is their situation a male in their life.

He doesn’t love her. In the end, when we confront the man, we find out he approached her because he could sense she was broken. He beat her where people couldn’t see, because he loved that he was the one breaking her. It’s totally sick.

Wick is a hacker. She learnt her hacking working for her drug dealer father, who is also the reason she’s such a strong person. She’s close to breaking, sure. But still intact. Tessa’s sister gives Wick the diary, in hopes that she can hack her way to finding out who the man was. While Wick at first thinks it’s pointless, we find the guys new victim, Wick’s sister! Now, eventually Griff worms his way into her life, and we find he’s wanted to be with her for the last three years since school started, and she eventually asks him for help, because he ends up being a fellow hacker. He also ends up being an informant. An informant working with her on her dads illegal hacking scheme, but he doesn’t turn her in, just her father and the rest. So, Wick’s dad goes to jail, right when they start to uncover clues about the stalker guy.

I always thought it was Carson, Mr Waye, or Todd. I even at one point thought Griff, until she mentioned he had green eyes. So it was either her foster father, Tessa’s abusive father who keeps popping up in the night towards the end, or the creepy cop who keeps coming to her house at 2am every day.

It ends with a fight for Wick’s life when she finds out who he is by using a Trojan, and I can just say, my knickers were shocked right off. He turns to Wick because he’s more interested in her now, and when she gets away, the cops come, and he bolts. That’s when we find out he actually has her sister locked up in the church getting ready to hurt her. The cops of course won’t listen even though she’s put two and two together. So she and Griff (at his insistence) steal Carson’s car, and head there together, where she once again, puts her own life in danger for her sister and Griff to get away, and again runs and fights for her life. While everything is cleanly tied up, the short epilogue that is like a blog page, shows us into the next book. Which makes it seem like it’s going to be her new job, and of course will obviously tie into her crazy life with her father, because no way in hell is all that over just because he’s in jail.