A review by dantastic
The Handle by Richard Stark


Parker, Grofield, and Salsa are hired by the Outfit to rob an island casino and burn it to the ground. Only the feds get wind of the plot and force Parker to either bring back the man running the casino or go to jail himself. Can Parker get the handle and bring in the Baron?

As usual, Stark weaves a serpentine tale of scheming, violence, and double crosses. Things start going south at the beginning but Parker's motivation to continue was believable considering he lost most of his money when the Willis cover was blown. It might just have been honor amongst thieves but it looked like Parker actually likes Grofield.

The Handle had more tension than most, especially with all shooting going on. When Baron made his escape, even though I knew there are lot more books in the series, I actually wondered if Parker was going to make it for a second or two.

The Handle is a top notch crime thriller, not to be missed by Parker fans.