A review by abalderson
Wrong Place Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister


**4.5⭐️ rounded up**

Omg this book! The plot is so unique and I have never come across a similar one before! It literally had my head spinning in every direction throughout trying to figure it out, wondering what I would do and feeling so bad for Jen, Kelly and Todd. It seemed like there was a plot twist almost every couple of chapters that I just did NOT expect - apart from the last one with Clio which I sort of had an inkling about.

I would definitely say this is in the top three thrillers I’ve read this year! The chapters did feel quite long and tedious at times but I do think it was worth it as there are so many little details that you don’t realise are hints until they’re revealed later on! It is so well thought out and felt like a proper brain teaser, as if you’re in the book yourself with Jen which I LOVED.

The only tinyyy negative I have which stopped it being 5 stars for me is that there were some jumps within the long paragraphs that made it a tad confusing and lost me a bit but apart from that I absolutely loved it.