A review by yangyvonne
The Everlasting Story of Nory by Nicholson Baker


WAAAAAAY too ADD for my taste.

Nory is a precocious 9 year old who is transplanted from her Boston home to Thresh, England. In a series of short, rambling chapter, Nory tells stories from her vivid imagination, details the treatment she receives from her classmates and generally gives the reader a peek inside the fantastic mind of a 9 year old girl. We learn of her parents and truck-obsessed little brother, as well as the schoolmates. There are tons of typical "mean" kids who make fun of Nory (Eleanor) just for being American and then there is Pamela - bullied for an unknown reason - who becomes Nory's "cause" and eventual BFF.

This book took me so long to get through, I almost gave up at the halfway point. The lack of any plot or progression to the story was frustrating and made the process awful. We also are "treated" to misspelling, syntax errors and made-up words.which is a HUGE distraction that I don't need to "experience" being in a 9 year old's mind. About halfway through we were embroiled in a "bullying" theme involving a girl named Pamela. This became interesting, and was truly "authentic" in the way Eleanor would react, but not really resolved in any satisfactory way by the end. But, I guess that is the most realistic way things would go??