A review by sadie_rae
Blue Lines by Toni Aleo


Why I thought this book might be less emotional than the first in the series, Taking Shots, I have no idea. It wasn't by the way, jic you were wondering. The summary makes it sound like they meet, they hook up, he leaves, a few weeks latter she finds out that she's pregnant and then tracks him down and they decide to give it a go. Yeah, not likely!

Piper and Erik are in-laws through their own siblings being married, where Piper has been in love with Erik for years he doesn't know that she exists. But Piper quickly makes it on to Erik's radar when her friend tells him that Piper likes him. Erik sweet talks her and already being in love it takes very little persuasion for Piper to take him home. When the inevitable break up happens Piper is of course crushed. A month latter when she finds out that shes pregnant and trys to contact Erik a woman answers his phone, and women continue to answer his phone every time she calls. Finally at six months Piper pays Erik a visit and drops the 'baby bomb' on him, and of course being the ultimate playboy with parental and commitment issues Erik flips. Not really your ideal situation. Then Phillip, Erik's teammate and housemate, decides that it would be a good idea for Erik to marry Piper to help boost his public image. Can you say DISASTER?

Phillip is an interesting character in this book he seems to be on Erik's side and is the catalyst to a couple of Erik's bad ideas. On the other hand he also seem's to have Erik's best interest at heart even if Erik doesn't know what those interest's might be. Harper, Pipers sister, comes off a little bitchy in this book I'm kinda glad that she doesn't have her own book because I'm not sure that I would have read it after this one. Best part of the book was most likely when Piper loses her Sh!T and goes berserk destroying some of Erik's SH!T, that really should have been Erik's 'Come to Jesus Moment' and it was half way until he starts to over think things again. All in all through all the tears and frustration I still loved this book. 5 Stars!!!