A review by frenchtoast_n_books
Who Says You're Dead? Medical & Ethical Dilemmas for the Curious & Concerned by Jacob M. Appel


This book will have you questioning your split-second decisions to real-life healthcare dilemmas.

What it's about? Healthcare is riddled with unique ethical dilemmas and Dr. Appel brings to light some of them. He splits them up by main topic, gives a scenario, and then discusses the ethics supporting each side to what ethics committees make in passing decisions of such scenarios. He picks apart what some might think are easy solutions to such scenarios, and has you question everything.

What I thought? This was a very thought provoking book, but I wish that it dived into the ethics more. We get a scenario and Dr. Appel only brushes the ethics at surface level. Although, with the amount of scenarios covered, this book would be monstrous if he actually dived into the ethics more. The cravings and discussion I had from this book were partly tempered by Dr. Appel citing further resources to each scenario at the end of the book, but not enough to satisfy me. I'm still very pleased to read this book, but I also pray I do not have to come across any of these scenarios myself during my career in healthcare.

In short: Interesting topics, everything is always more complicated, and I wished for a more in depth discussion.