A review by landroid55
Our Chemical Hearts by Krystal Sutherland


I am not a romance reader.  But I picked up this book because I had read two other books by the author (these were both about witches)  and I really enjoyed them so I thought I'd give it a go... 

I found the first half (maybe 2/3s) somewhat painful and cringey.  It is a high school romance after all... Eye rolls abound and what an idiot was a constant thought I had.  But the lead female character's  arc really pulled me in (even though she seemed to really be strining the guy along)  and the last half (third?) of the book was good enough that I wanted to finish.  I'm glad I did... It was really well written and parts about redemption really spoke to me.  

**** Minor spoiler ****
It's def not a happy ever after type of romance though! 
3.5 stars for the last part of the book and grudging acceptance of the story building up to it ...