A review by swaye
More Than This by Patrick Ness


I'm still confused.

And the more I try to make sense of things, the more confused I get. CONFUSIONCEPTION!

What in the fucking fuck is this book supposed to be about?! My initial 3 star rating dropped to 2 because of the eventual conclusion I've come to. This book was an amalgamation of AcidTripMatrixWolverineTerminatorWestworldBlackMirror ideas with a smattering of childabuse-suicide-murder-diversity-sells and a dollop of deep quotes put into a blender and Jackson Pollocked onto 478 pages.

Now, not gonna lie, despite the story being ridiculously and unnecessarily dragged out, it was still riveting and intriguing. I recommend it if you're looking for a bit of a mindfuck while you're shoveling down the proverbial popcorn. But for the sake of your sanity, don't overthink it.

The cake is a lie.