A review by _askthebookbug
Mahashweta by Sudha Murty


"Of the thousands of flowers that blossom on a tree only a few will bear fruit. And out of those few fruits, insects and squirrels will eat some. The tree does not keep anything for itself. Does that mean that the life of the tree is wasted?" - Sudha Murty.
I cannot get enough of Sudha Murty's books and I have my reasons for it. Her writing is enthralling not because she's writing about something new and unheard of but for the fact that she addresses the existing social stigmas. Mahashweta is a very educative read not in the academic sense but on the front of morality and humanity. This is the story of Anupama who has always been an ethereal beauty but leukoderma changes her once happy World into a nightmare. Anupama and Anand get married after falling in love inspite of the differences in their social statuses. Soon after their wedding Anand leaves for England to study masters in medicine and Anupama is left behind with a mother-in-law and a sister-in-law who detest her. Anupama wakes up one day to find a white patch on her skin and as she feared, is diagnosed with Leukoderma.
Her mother-in-law abandons her and shuns from the house while Anand is disgusted by his wife's disease. Anupama then leads a life of loneliness and falls into depression until one day she decides to start afresh. She moves to Bombay and finds a job to support herself with the help of a friend. She regains her lost confidence and embraces her condition. What follows next is her journey through life with its ups and downs. The story inspite of being quite predictable has been wonderfully written. Any person trying to seek courage and strength will find solace in this book. The writing is simple yet very intimate. A small read which can be finished in a single sitting.
Rating -3.8/5. #mahashweta