A review by livres_de_bloss
Killing Kate by Alex Lake


This isn't a very good book.

I saw this for $6 and had a laugh at the title. When I saw the above average reviews it got, despite it not being my preferred genre, I bought it.

The plot is contrived, predictable and all over the place. The beginning of the book set a good pace but once it introduced the Beth element, it became disjointed and long winded. The "reveal" happens way too early on and I found myself skimming whole chapters because the ending felt irrelevant after that with over 100 pages of unnecessary drag out.

The character of Kate was absolutely vacuous. I instantly disliked her as she was an entitled, self-righteous imbecile. How stupid do you have to be to be dating on the internet when a serial killer is after you? FFS. She's quite awful, really. She chucks her BF because she's immature and then starts obsessing over dating... what a flake.
The character of Phil was hard to take too. I felt a bit sorry for him because Kate was beastly to him but overall I didn't quite understand, was he supposed to be simple or something? Because it came across that way for sure.
The only character that had any sense at all was Kate's mother especially when she raised some exceptionally valid points regarding the whole dating farce.

This story contained far too much telling and not enough showing. The writing style was sloppy, repetitive (sometimes repeating whole phrases as if we didn't get it the first time) and uninspired. Also, WTF was the point of all the stupid Harry Potter references? Sheesh.

I highly recommend giving this one a pass.