A review by corvusastrum
Revolutions of Terror by Nick Abadzis


Okay on one hand I really LOVE seeing a new companion. The story of the other ones is over and personally, I can’t see Rose anymore. Like I got it. She’s super important, etc etc, can we move on?
Gabby is a completely new character, the breath of fresh air we needed. And she’s not even British! She’s … American. Wowee, we’re getting exotic here! But on the other hand … I don’t like how “perfect” and “special” she is. What is the point of a human companion if you can’t connect to them properly? Might as well make her an alien at that point. But maybe a not special companion would be boring, I dunno, I’m not a comicbook-author.

I really love the first half of the story, especially the creatures, the Pranavores. Good vibes, feeding on human empathy and giving back positivity. And then the Cerebravores, bad vibes, appearing to humans in shape of their worst fear to feed on it. Always loved that trope.

The second half of the story though … uh. Well. Forgettable. A lot of art mumbo jumbo that doesn’t do anything to bring forward the plot. And then the conflict, oh my. “You want to become my master’s new apprentice, PERISH!” is not the great villain motivation you’d think it is. I mean give me a break, this is ridiculous.