A review by nica2006
Shades of Doon by Carey Corp


4.5 stars

I have missed this series and am glad I finally decided to pick it back up. Veronica and Makenna are friendship goals. Even though I share a name with Veronica, I connect to Makenna much more. She is sarcastic, witty, loyal, and loves musical theater, so I think we would get along great. And of course, Jamie and Duncan are the hot love interests to the leading ladies. The relationship between the four is amazing. Veronica and Jamie, and Makenna and Duncan are definitely "Chosen" to be together, and they go through enough to test that.

This book is fast paced with plenty of adventure, mystery, action, and of course, kissing. The only thing that brought my rating down .5 stars was how easily it seemed for the protagonists to get out of tough spots. Any time they were backed into a corner, lo and behold, something happened at just the right time to help them. I didn't really find that a realistic part of the story. However, the rest of the book was amazing and I cannot wait to read the conclusion of the series in Forever Doon.