A review by fairislemeadow
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #1 by Jordie Bellaire


Always good to see the Scooby gang again, and while I like the art, so far there is nothing mind-blowing in this reboot, and not a whole lot that conveys the new 21st-century setting other than Xander's laptop and Buffy's smartphone (which we only see on the cover). There are a few notable canon changes in this issue though:
1. Buffy's got a job at the fast food restaurant "Tuna Verse."
2. Willow already knows that she's gay, apparently, as she shows interest in the idea of beautiful female witches and Buffy comments that Willow already has a girlfriend (who we don't see or know anything about yet).
3. Xander is blogging some...interesting stuff. Is he somehow controlling what happens to Buffy through his words, or is he just emo?
4. Giles is even stuffier and sterner than he is in the first season of the TV show.
5. Anya is the owner of the magic shop in town and is peddling some powerful goods to some evil customers.
6. Is that Drusilla on the last page? (The cover for the next issue confirms this.)
7. Robin Wood is mentioned in the Sunnydale High Sentinal after the comic, only it appears he is a teenager. Looks like we might be seeing him in the next issue as well.