A review by fantasyliving
Amnesia by Sean Michael


3 Hearts

This story... I really liked the premise. I liked the overall plotline. I liked Drew and Jesse. But I did not like Thaine or Jerry.

Thaine and Jerry had good chemistry. I actually liked their relationship. I thought it worked, and that they were clearly in love, and only separate because they didn’t have the same future planned out. But they were not nice people. Their behaviour towards Drew was snippy, dismissive, and downright bitchy. Even if you don’t remember someone, you don’t treat them like they did something to you. Jerry’s attitude was even worse. I can’t say I liked his character at all. Having money does not entitle someone to be a bastard to another human being, and he was ridiculously rude to Drew. When they weren’t talking to, or about Drew, they were good together, but all that goodness was overshadowed by the unnecessary venom.

This is my first Sean Michael story, and while Sean sure knows how to write erotica, and a decent story, it just seemed like Jerry and Thaine’s relationship was all about fucking. They fucked a lot. And it was hot, absolutely. But the relationship development was stifled by all the fucking. Every time they started to talk, they’d be feeling each other up, and next thing you know, they’re fucking. Everywhere! So they didn’t really work for me. I didn’t feel the substance in their relationship, and being mean men, I didn’t like them.

A copy was provided in exchange for an honest review