A review by ranikaith
Daughters of the Dragon: A Comfort Woman's Story by William Andrews

So i read this book in 2 days because it was so interesting and this story about comfort woman has to be told and be presented to a wider audience so that everyone knows what happened to this woman and that the japanese government still refuse to accept the full responsibility for this tragic part of korean history. But iam critical cause i dont like books which are written by authors, who are not supposed to write about other cultural topics, whom they do not belong to. He shed light on the crimes committed by the americans without glossing up their faults, i appreciate his efforts in that matter but still it would have been better when a korean author would have tried on this topic cause i believe its their right to talk about this chapter of their past. Another point i have to critize is that the framework(story with the granddaughter ) in which the main story was embedded was unnecessary. Firstly it was told in a simple nearly colloquial language which contradicted the story told from the grandmas point of view, which was told in a nice and neat form( at least in german-i read this book in german) and secondly somehow the whole story with dynasty and royal lineage was over the top and there are a lot of cultural insensibilities. ( which could have been prevented when he would have informed himself better or when a Korean would have written it)
I didnt liked the parts with anna without her the book would have been much better but overall a good try, telling an important part of Korean History. thats the reason i gave 3 Stars.