A review by brizreading
Black Science, Vol. 1: How to Fall Forever by Rick Remender


This takes exactly the same amount of time to read as listening to Sufjan Stevens's Carrie & Lowell. Fact.

Super gorgeous art. Fun/funky idea (basically the multiverse, except instead of that 1995 Sliders episode where Hillary is president, or that one universe in which I am a banana (ALL HAIL MU), there is a Nazi/Navajo galactic war going on in one 'verse and a monkey kung fu kingdom in another). Poor execution.

Poor execution cuz the "hero" of the story is your classic Ego Man anti-hero that hates himself, that everyone hates, that is meant to be vile, yet that the author(s) clearly really really like. Sorry, but I just don't care about multiverse-traveling douchebags.

Points for the monkey kingdom.