A review by nietzschesghost
Terrorist Hunter by Tamer Elnoury


I am extremely interested by terrorism and wanted to use my legal background to become a part of the counter-terrorism operation in the UK, before unfortunately falling ill. I believe we have some incredible individuals that are willing to put themselves in danger to protect their mother country and the author is just one of those doing so in America.

Tamer Elnoury (a pseudonym) poses as an affluent Al-Qaeda sympathiser and is in a race against time to gain the terrorists' trust in order to bring them down. In the aftermath of 9/11, long-time undercover agent Elnoury joined an elite counter-terrorism unit. Its mission? To infiltrate terror cells, gain detailed knowledge of their networks and bring them successfully to justice.

"Terrorist Hunter" is a detailed look into US government implementations after the atrocity of 9/11, in order to infiltrate terror cells with the aim of stopping another similar tragedy from happening. People don't realise how difficult this job must be both physically and mentally. Guys like Elnoury put their lives in peril for the good of their country, it really is incredible. Luckily, nothing as horrendous as 9/11 has happened recently but whether that is down to these infiltration operations or just chance, it's impossible to say.

This is an engaging read that I got through pretty quickly. It discusses some points that feed into the overall story such as the view of Islam and the strain of being an undercover agent, to name but a few. If you are interested in the use of government agents in undercover operations or how we try to protect a country's citizens from terrorists then this is not a book to be missed, in my opinion.

Many thanks to Corgi for an ARC. I was not required to post a review and all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.