A review by lilyn_g
Midnight in the Garden Centre of Good and Evil (Invaders From Beyond!) by Colin Sinclair


I put out a call for a good ‘clean’ novella on Twitter recently, and one of my friends liked this so well she ended up gifting me a copy of it.

Okay, so, unfortunately, Midnight in the Garden Centre of of Good and Evil wasn’t as big of a hit for me as I hoped it was going to be. It took me too long to get invested in the story. If it hadn’t been a gift, I probably would have walked away from reading it. Luckily, though, once the weirdness started, I found myself enjoying it.

This is sci-fi horror with a generous application of humor.
The humor comes out of nowhere at times, but it totally keeps the story going. Midnight in the Garden Centre of Good and Evil takes a bit to get going, but once things start going sideways, it is quite disturbing. (The author does a good job of making sure you can practically ‘smell’ some of the fertilizer scents in here. Anyone whose ever done more than basic window pot gardening is going to recall some of the less pleasant aspects of the process.)

Overall, though I didn’t love it, I wouldn’t be adverse to checking out more reads from Colin Sinclair in the future. I think this is a book for a very specific subset of people, but if you’re in it… you’re going to freaking love this.