A review by amym84
A Season of Spells by Sylvia Izzo Hunter


Originally posted on Vampire Book Club

After three years of living in Alba and attending university, it’s time for Sophie and Gray Marshall to head back to London escorting the heiress of Alba, Lucia MacNeill, to meet her betrothed, Prince Roland, Sophie’s brother.

While that first meeting does not go off as planned, Sophie figures out what to do with her time back in London: begin the process of reopening the Lady Morgan College in Oxford whose doors mysteriously closed centuries ago.

However, Sophie’s plans might be put on hold when it’s soon discovered that her stepfather, one Appius Callender, as well as the other men who conspired to poison the King, have escaped. Gray and Sophie will find themselves separated as each pursues a different path in bringing back the fugitives and saving the Kingdom.

I loved that A Season of Spells brought us back to London, as one of my biggest issues with Lady of Magick was not really feeling the setting of Alba. Instead here, we’re in familiar territory and get to revisit many of the characters that were introduced in the first book, but sadly lacking from the second. I also felt more of a connection with this storyline since it’s almost a continuation of things started in The Midnight Queen.

I appreciated the fact that some of the characters introduced in Lady of Magick, namely Lucia MacNeill, were given more page time to develop in A Season of Spells. I found myself liking those characters more as I got to know and understand them better. The betrothal between Lucia and Roland was a great contrast to witness when compared to Sophie and Gray. The way that Lucia and Roland don’t seem compatible at first, but have to work on getting to know one another was nice to watch. In that regard, the romantic relationship between Sophie’s sister Joanna and her friend Gwendolen Pryce was another aspect that I wasn’t sure about in Lady of Magick, having felt like it kind of came out of nowhere, but seeing their steadfastness and devotion to one another in this book and how much they’ve grown, I’d really like to see them get their own adventure some day.

Probably the best thing about A Season of Spells, which I honestly wish was utilized a whole lot more, was the history behind Lady Morgan College. The mystery of its closing and the utter eeriness of the abandoned structure was so fascinating, but I was a little let down when that device kind of turned into a segue for the overarching storyline of trouble within the Kingdom. Again, maybe something that will get its own story expanded upon at another time.

A Season of Spells is the conclusion to the trilogy. The ending seemed to tie everything up, but I felt as though there’s room left for expanding the world should Sylvia Izzo Hunter ever choose to do so, and as I stated above there are certainly some stories I would like to read about. As a whole, I’ve enjoyed this series. It’s a great example of an alternate history fantasy.