A review by fantasynovel
The Secret Place by Tana French


Okay, I know this book had flaws. But GODDAMN was this book fun!! This review is more of a rave than a review, and it's entirely full of spoilers(ish).

So, first of all, the viewpoint switching. At first, I really thought that would detract from my reading experience, y'know? But it turns out that while the Stephen chapters were my favorites (and the ones I'll probably read, not skim, on a reread), the girls' chapters were spooky, funny, engaging, and just so boarding school. Going to boarding school has always been a dream of mine, right behind immortality and gaining the ability to fly. Even Secret Place couldn't change my mind. I also wasn't so sure about the blatant witchery at first. Although French has always dabbled in the supernatural, this was a good helping of magic. But, just like the viewpoints, it grew on me.

I do have issues. Like, if Holly is so smart, shouldn't she have figured out the killer was right underneath her nose? And the murderer seemed like more an idea than a real living, breathing character. And Frank Mackey finally crossed the line from "stubborn" to "really fucking annoying, Jesus Christ, is this obstruction of justice?" Although, Frank and Holly make a really good team. Maybe Frank will be the killer in a later book and Holly will cover for him?? 10/10 would read. Love that family.

Also, I've never heard anyone say "totes amazeballs". At first I thought this was Irish slang, but then I learned that this was American slang. And I'm American and, like, I don't remember this ever being a thing. Not even in 2014.

Whatever. The Secret Place was totes amazeballs!!