A review by saharadawn29
The Patron by Vivian Wood


How much did I love this book?! I love so much a good ballerina romance. Calum is this jerk of a guy. Whatever he wants he gets no matter the price. Calum enjoys a good stripper , a way to for him to relax without all the strings attached until he watches this beautiful girl who he suspects has ballerina training. She has all the moves, graceful, sharp and her moves are so hot! He falls for her. Kaia whole life is being a ballerina but not what she wants but what is demanded of her . Oh her father is soooo bad, oh man i hated him. He is only after 1 thing. Kaia knows what she has to do , oh the feelings I have for her and all the hard work she goes thru. What Calum does is redee m himself well sort of lol! Oh the hottness between these two. So loved this book and can't wait to see what happens.