A review by upallnightbookaddict
The Last Trial by Robert Bailey


Hold up..... HOLD UP! Wait, WHAT????? Now, that little truth bomb in this one? I saw it coming. I had a feeling. But, still. The way it was delivered? It was everything!

This book, like the previous books in this series, flows and wows the reader like not many books I have read in the past. In the previous books, you pretty much knew who was responsible for what. You may have not known all the key players, but most was clear. However, not this time. I didn't see that coming. I can't say I'm disappointed.

The vengeance doled out in this book was bittersweet. There is nothing better than the bad guys getting what they deserve. Everything with all of the characters really starts to unravel in this one. I couldn't put it down.

Now, on to the next book. Since I already read the first book in the next series, which is connected to this one, I have an idea of some of the things that will happen in the final book in the series, but I can't wait to read it all play out!