A review by tobbled
The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune


Like any rational person should, I don’t like how Klune essentially sugarcoated the Sixties Scoop for this book: it’s inappropriate. However, I do recognise that authors get their inspiration from anywhere and, whilst I think the tone of this book greatly misjudges the ‘Scoop’s’ severity, therefore will be reviewing this despite.

I have only ever interacted with Klune’s work for maybe an hour and a half, when I attempted to listen to the Lightning Struck Heart. Key word: attempted. I hated it. So despite the oceans of praise received for House in the Cerulean Sea, I was weary. Especially having learnt of its controversial inspirations. However, this book did something to me. I have not cried over a book in a long long time, and yet I felt like a little weepy baby reading this.
It is a sweet book - at points, yes, cringe inducing sweet. I began this book annoyed at how on the nose everything was - despite all the talks of philosophy and Kant, this book was quite black and white. Most of my issues came from Lucy’s dialogue, thought bu the end I was able to overlook most of my (cynical) issues.
It’s just a sweet, whimsical story. I could perfectly picture it as an animated children’s film.

Which brings me to my main issue and that was the age rating. Most of this book is YA or for older children. Makes sense, matches the theme and the vibe. And then once in a while you read something and wonder. You know when children’s tv makes adult jokes once in a while for the parents who are watching? That’s what it felt like. But the reason that works in TV is because shows are communal. It just felt odd in this. Examples? When Arthur and Linus were basically flirting whilst discussing Sal, a teenage boy, potentially masturbating. Hey. What!
Additionally, a lot of the dialogue felt forced, especially when it came to pushing Arthur/Linus together.