A review by karrama
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline


At first this book was cool for referencing the geek in me. It was a little teen-ager-ish and I was hoping that it could grow into a "Snowcrash" or "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep." The world is post-apocalyptic, oil depleated, VR currency is worth more than the USD$. The plot referenced Blade Runner and Nuero Mancer, MUDDS, Black Dragon and PacMan as well as all the old tymee anime that I love, and eventually, I got bored. "You're preaching to the choir, man. On with the plot," was all I could think. And why didn't it reference NetHack or the mid-range quest games with 32bit graphics but did go with vector graphic games and modern stuff that's come out in the 21st century? You see? I'm the demographic Ernest Cline was writing to, all right. It doesn't become Snowcrash, but it does finally stop lecturing me on the meaning of _War Games_ and the like to let the protagonist start making progress in his quest and love life. The end was predictable, the casualties and fall out as well, but it was a fast, fun read. I'm being generous with the rating 'cuz the lingo and environments spoke to me. I'm so blinded by the L337 Geekery that I didn't notice. I enjoyed this book.