A review by travelerswife4life
Dusk's Darkest Shores by Carolyn Miller

Have you ever read a book that just makes you want to be more selfless?

Well, that’s how Dusk’s Darkest Shores made me feel. Mary was what I would consider a leader in selflessness; don’t get me wrong, she has her faults. But overall, she is on the surface, perfect. Yet, in the midst of it all Carolyn Miller gives voice to the fears many of us have, and she turns them in to relevant life lessons. Plus, I truly wish I were a good with herbal remedies as Mary!

Did you catch on that I did not say anything about Adam the male lead character? Well, that because I cannot say much without giving away some fabulous information. I can tell you that I loved his spirit, endurance, and his Faith. A very admirable character.

The overall storyline was interesting, and it kept my attention, there were a few parts that seems slow to me; however, I really enjoyed the themes Carolyn Miller interwove into the story and I definitely will be reading the rest of the series.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.

“Heavenly Father, she whispered, I know I am not much but I do believe You are real, and that You love people, and that You want to make a tangible difference to people’s lives today. Use me for Your purpose I pray.”

Also, you should check out Audra’s cool Pinterest board of quotes!