A review by xanthe87
Extra Whip by L.A. Witt


Extra Whip is the eight book in the Bold Brew series and the only one with an MMM relationship.
We start with Will and Aaron who have been together for twenty years and are completely perfect for each other. At least until recently, when they discovered that Aaron needs more pain that Will is capable of giving. One of the only solutions that they can come up with is to find a third to play with, which is where Kelly comes in as a perfect match for them both as a submissive sadist.
All three men connect on all levels, not just physically so it comes as no surprise when lines get blurred for them. Will and Aaron already have a wonderful relationship, knowing each other so well on all levels. It's helped them both to get to where they are today in their careers and the life they share together.
It's really interesting to read a character that joins an established couple and how Kelly deals with the interloper feelings, someone there to just patch things up but he has his own things going on with the recent death of his father. The support of Will and Aaron and their friendship come to mean more to him in the short time they spend together and help him get through some hard times which adds to his confusion.
The kink side of things, whilst you would think it's a bit hardcore with pain being what is needed, that's not the main thing that I took away from this story. It's the bond that they create between the three men, as three separate duos and as a triad, and the trust that they take the time to nurture before taking each step together as what the aim is is definitely not for the faint hearted. L.A. Witt has written the relationship and the kink side beautifully as emotions come into their play and develop more than anyone was expecting. I love that they are clear on expectations, limits, safe words etc, quickly showing each other but especially from Will and Aaron to Kelly, that all of heir comfort, safety and happiness is important.
This really was a great read and I would happily recommend it as a stand alone story as well as part of the Bold Brew series. This is the longest from the series but worth the time.
I received an ARC and am happily giving a review.